by Bruce Stirling
there's a crow on my door
he never says "never more"
just caws and craws
commas and colons
with greedy jaws,
- he's not particular,
iambic this
pentameter that
shreds of soul
he gives back
down the door,
white wet pages
on the floor,
the end
of the beginning
never more
BIO: Bruce Stirling's work appears in a number of
online journals including:Eclectica, Underground
Voices, Mytholog and Opium Magazine.
Fall’s Arrival
by P.A. Bees
Have you ever watched smoldering smoke
from a burning leaf pile whisked away on the wind
Or seen the hungry groundhog
as he sits by the road, ready to cross
Sniffing the air for the acorn fall
on the other side
There’s the honking of geese in the sky
as they follow ancient rituals
And we dig in our chests to find our woolens
and pack up our linens in tissue
Fall has come, winter will follow,
summer is gone, if only we knew when and where!
Bio: P.A. Bees is a fifty-six year American old living in Ohio. She draws on experiences from Italy's hill towns and Spain's valleys. She has also felt the dampness of England and Scotland, and cherishes the green rememberances of Ireland.
the lady leaves
by Janet Butler
dusk gathers her tattered rags
that sag
in pastel heaps
about her feet
then turns and walks with faded grace
into star-laced night
Bio: Janet Butler relocated to California after many years in Italy, where she began her career in both watercolors and poetry. Her poems have recently appeared in Niederngasse, Amarillo Bay, Minnetonka Review and Big Pond Rumour. Featured writer for Sage of Consciousness, 2005, she appears in Mannequin Envy’s Anthology, “Trim“. Collection: Ekphrastic Poems by Robert Schuler and Janet Butler was published by Canvas Press in 2007. Shadowline, a collection of 50 poems came out in 2007, Gatto Publishing, Scotland, Editors.