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The Winter Issue of The Greensilk Journal
The Winter Issue of The Greensilk Journal
This Editor is proud to announce the Winter 2014 edition of The Greensilk Journal! I welcome the new writers, and cherish the old ones as well! Unless you now live on a tropical island somewhere, (please don’t brag to the snowbirds here), you realize this winter has been extremely C.O.L.D.!! Wow!
The poetry here captures so wonderfully well the awesome power of winter. Even if you have been hibernating and afraid to go outside, (I don’t blame you), the poetry here will remind you sharply of the elements of the dark and biting season, for both inner and outer landscapes. Yes, Baby it’s cold outside, but luckily, we just happen to have a few heart-warming stories too, so where’s your Hot Chocolate, English Afternoon Tea or Chai Latte? …Ahh, that’s better, now don’t let too many tears fall into your cup- Hot beverages are better without salt! Click on the Tabs above and ENJOY~
And Dear Hearts- Happy Valentine's Day!
-Kim Hazelwood, Editor