Green Cadence by Tom Sheehan
Frog Lake by Tom Sheehan
Loon Watching by John Grey
Invitation by Joan McNerney
Not One by Kim Hazelwood Haley
The Trees Think In Solemn Tones by William Doreski
The Poet Celebrates Spring by Terri Hadley-Ward
Snug Hollow by Barbara Brooks
Triumphant Day by Eira Needham
When Time Guided Our Day by James G. Piatt
Friendship by Ute Carson
Endless Knot by Beth Duncan
Park Dirge by Gary Beck
* Wild from the cold each splash by Simon Perchik
Kick the Cat by Katherine Inez Davis
Longanimity by Brenda Berry
Flight of Knowledge by James B. Nicola
What Else is On by Frederick Pollack
Whispers by Bonnie Amesquita
Near Vega by Kenneth Schalhoub
The Quiet Camel by Tom Sheehan
Dog Days by Bob Beach
The True Story of a True Woman by Amy Arutt