The New Creature by John Berry
The Usual Path of Cranes by L.Ward Abel
Long Flashes Likewise Formed by L. Ward Abel
Why I Write by Lana Hechtman Ayers
My Walk Home by John Grey
The Tempest's Can-Can by Kim Hazelwood
obituary for a jack-o-lantern by Marc Darnell
Sublime Intervention by Richard Weaver
Invasive Species by Robert Beveridge
Meditation by Diane Webster
Autumn Anticipation by Carolyn Wolfe
A Sonnet to the Beauty of the Evening by James G. Piatt
Christmas Gifts by Eira Needham
The Dancer by Sigrun Susan Lane
The Hangover by Mike Wilson
The Little Oxford Dictionary (1934) by Mark J. Mitchell
Wait by Fay L. Loomis
River Woman by Dorothy Johnson-Laird
Bridge Over The Nosterkill by Anne Whitehouse
Carolina Wren by Barb Brooks
Regarding The Heart by John Grey
Each Other by James B. Nicola
A Beautiful Husband by Nanette Rayman-Rivera
Nadine by Adelaide B. Shaw
Also Henry by Tom Sheehan
Prom Duty by Brad Shurmantine